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Showing posts from March, 2012
Well, now that I have a very few minutes, I will sit here and post!!! As you can see, none of my previous projects were ever put on here. Mainly because they never got done. We moved to Texas, and I went back to work full time, and never had the time. I worked full -time, still came home and cooked dinner, fed the kids, got the wife out the door for school and just didn't have the energy to try and do it. Then I took some of my scrapbooking to work, and it STILL sat there. :0( Then I am sad to say I got sick again.On November 11, 2011 about 2 weeks before my 1 yr cancerversary,  I had to be rushed to the hospital via ambulance. We were told that I had a tumor on my brain. It was the same strain of cancer, but it had metastisized to my brain. I had been sick pretty bad for about 2 weeks, couldnt get out of bed, couldnt use my left side very well. Had been having terrible headaches for awhile that NO medicine could make it go away and STAY away. Guess it wasn't really a he...