Careful - eBook…/…/b00k08txhs/ #amreading Sad, real life, stressful, emotional, grabs you in and doesn't let go. Makes you think one thing when it turns out to be something else. Amazing, well written, fantastic story line. Interesting facts through out. Feels like a true story. So many ways I could describe this novel, which in my opinion needs to be a movie someday. This is my kind of book, written with eloquent words and deep emotion. A story within a story. Heartbreaking beautiful and leaves you wanting more. I recommend this book to anyone who loves to read. Who loves to feel, and who loves to be brought into the story as if you were there. This is a book I would buy in paper format. I received this book for free in consideration of a fair and honest review. However, my opinions are my own.
My little blog about the little things in life,love and the pursuit of happiness, while making my world as an individual single person, great again! It CAN be done, with a little patience and love from those who love me and whom I love dearly.